
Archive for April, 2010|Monthly archive page

Farewell Lunches and Dinners

In Musings on April 8, 2010 at 14:09

Today has been a day of farewell meals starting with lunch.

Lunch was with the CSSUMGT team and dinner was was family.

The people that I ate with today will be amongst the ones that I will miss when I am away…

As hard as it is to move on, I know deep inside that this is a right move and lets see what the future brings.

So much to do and So little time

In Musings on April 8, 2010 at 03:47

I have slightly more than 1 week before I have to go and I must admit that I still have loads of things that I must do but have yet to have done…

The lists are getting longer and time is ticking … arugh!!!!

I must pack pack and pack!!!

Counting down to my last day with CAS

In Musings on April 6, 2010 at 01:28

The countdown started about 3 weeks ago and I didn’t realize how fast time flies till I realized that I have less than 1 week to my last day of work.

I have learnt much from the people from CAS and there are many who I will really miss when I leave.

Hellos and goodbyes are part of life, saying goodbye to some is hard but its surprisingly easy for others.

Along with the people, there are somethings that I will miss, this includes the many peaks that the airport pass bring but I guess as with all things, you win some you lose some.

Moving Forward

In Musings on April 5, 2010 at 17:28

It seems that things are moving along without me realizing it.

If all goes as plan, I shd be there is 2 weeks or less…

As the clock continues to tick and the day of my departure draws closer,

I realize that I have loads to do that has yet to be done.

Thank god for lists that I can tick off …

As much as I look forward to the challenges ahead but I can’t help that there are many people that I’ll miss when I’m gone.

A Brand New Start Awaits Me

In Musings on April 4, 2010 at 15:09

Waiting … Don’t know what to expect …

A leap of faith and a new job that’s taking me away from all that familiar and comfortable.

Moving myself out of the comfort zone is never easy but I guess that this is time!